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Wood Therapy

Wood therapy, an alternative, non-invasive technique, where wooden elements are used to shape, define the contour and reduce cellulite. A great novelty in reducing massages.

The affected areas are treated by pressure using specific wooden utensils such as rollers or wooden cups, helping to eliminate fat and cellulite cells, naturally eliminated from the body.

It is a NON-invasive treatment with visible results from the first day, although it is advisable to carry out between 6 and 10 sessions to achieve the desired result.


Masaje Craneo Facial

Protocolo Cervical (estiramientos y digitopresión)

Especial Ojos (limpieza, drenaje y mascarilla)

Masaje de Espalda

Descarga de Piernas

Masaje Podal

Pack 3 opciones - 60 min - 130€

Pack 4 opciones - 75 min - 170€

Pack 5 opciones - 90 min - 210€

Pack completo - 105 min - 240€

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